Talking Timber Launched – join the conversation

Friday 16 Apr 2021

Australia’s native forests are a public resource, owned by the community, who expect them to be managed competently by individual state governments for all their triple bottom line values: economic, social and environmental. Unfortunately, reality is that this seems not the case. Rather, forests continue to be treated as political footballs with bad politics, not good policy, driving decisions.

In Victoria, a highly contentious and perverse outcome of Government policy has been the plan to lock down Victoria’s public forests by 2030, without a conversation about alternative timber supply strategies for our growing population, the impact on regional communities, or the real environmental outcome of this decision.

In an attempt to bring some broad, informed discussion on this topic a new social media initiative was launched recently ‘Talking Timber’. Chris McEvoy, a Director of Radial Timber in Victoria, and spokesperson for the initiative, said that “Talking Timber is a non-government initiative that has been created to foster and promote meaningful discussion about the Victorian Timber Industry.

The Vision is to have a Victorian timber Industry that preserves its ancient forests, expands its plantation forests responsibly, and respectively manages its native regrowth forests to ensure Victoria supplies all the timber it needs for Victorian consumers.

Talking Timber has been created to have a meaningful discussion and plan, that ensures a sustainable future for both our production timber supply and our native forests. We can absolutely maintain our biodiversity, increase the size of our regrowth forests and still enjoy all of the social, sustainable, and aesthetic benefits that timber gives us in domestic and commercial design and construction.”

For people interested in joining the conversation on this important topic go to

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